Creation of agroclimatic maps

LenClimat: Creation of agroclimatic maps

Through variables obtained from the Internet, the project generates permanent information from agroclimatic maps in real time in order to obtain a wide variety of maps of climatic variables such as rainfall, temperature levels in the different seasons of the year, evapotranspiration, frost, solar radiation, climatic changes ... aimed at a non-specialized audience in order to be able to download the information through an intelligent script on the computer or mobile phone. With this, the agroclimatic map will be generated automatically in real time. The advantage is that by means of a system that is easy to use and compatible with the different supports of the Geographical Information Services and compatible with Java architecture, with a GNU / GPL license, since free software is used by any user - farmer, rancher, forest, etc. - access information on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X platforms.

System novelty

Generation of a real-time computerized icloud system that allows exhaustive control of agroclimatic maps in different farms that allows real-time notification of crop needs by means of a sensorization program for water needs and microclimates. , creating an exhaustive control space for large agricultural areas. The great novelty is that a graphical interface is created that consists of a series of elements and methods that allow the user to interact with the application and make the most appropriate decisions for each one of its terrains, analyzing it by hectares. The landowner creates his own management windows and divides them into panels or containers in which they place the different elements of analysis. With this, the land manager achieves greater economic efficiency, social equity and ecology and environmental sustainability in the land he manages for a greater rationalization of water, fertilizers, etc.
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